The Problem
Savannah Nickel planned to build a storage shed to store Nickel Sulphide Concentrate. The material would be delivered in a quad road train of side tippers. These would discharge from an internal ramp with the shed doors closed. A CAT966 front-end loader would stack the concentrate 3 meters high. The out loading from the shed would be by containers mounted on trailers and drawn by tractors with air-conditioned cabs. These would be filled by the front end loaders. During these operations a considerable amount of dust would be generated despite the use of water suppression sprays.
The principal purpose of the dust collection system would be to maintain the shed under a negative pressure to prevent dust egress from the building.
Luehr received the order to provide a system to prevent dust egress from the building. The design incorporated a side mounted exhaust duct running the length of the shed. A series of louvers were fitted to the opposite wall causing a cross draft which assisted in removing dust from the loading zone. The exhaust rate used took into account a 1.5m/s ingress of air through these louvers with the shed doors closed.
The collected air/dust is drawn into an induced draft fan which then discharges into a Trema ZK 260 Cyclonic Wet Scrubber to remove the dust before discharging the clean air to atmosphere. The scrubber incorporated a recirculation tank and came complete with a recirculation pump and pipework. Due to the very light dust load the scrubber can be run for a period of approximately 5 days before the water has to be changed.
The system was delivered on schedule and has recently been commissioned.