Luehr Filter Australia

A leader in dust & fume control

Biomass to Energy

Engineered for a cleaner environment

As part of the global strategy on the use of Renewable Energy, Biomass provides an ever increasing role in the generation of power, through the incineration of plant matter (typically waste wood, wood chips, dead trees etc.) to produce electricity and/or heat. These fuels are incinerated to provide the necessary heat to operate steam turbines or gasification plants, which in turn produce electricity to power stand-alone industrial processes, or to be fed back into the national grid.

Biomass To Energy Systems


During the incineration process, ash residue and greenhouse gases are generated within the waste gas, for which emissions to atmosphere must be reduced to below legal air quality standards. . In Australia, air quality standards are set by the National Environment Protection Council (NEPC); however monitoring and enforcement is carried out by State/Territory agencies.

Biomass To Energy Solutions